bcrypt hashing for PicoLisp

You can get it on GitHub.

This library can be used to hash strings (ex: passwords) using bcrypt in PicoLisp.


bcrypt hashing for PicoLisp

Only the following functions are exported publicly, and namespaced with (symbols 'bcrypt) (or the prefix: bcrypt~):

Note: These functions are not namespace local symbols, which means they would redefine symbols with the same name in the 'pico namespace.



(gensalt Factor)

pil +

(load "bcrypt.l")

(symbols 'bcrypt)
-> "$2a$12$mQn1fUDeEZFW74KD5kU6g."

(gensalt 14)
-> "$2a$14$kjOSmjZeLsBdru7NRPEmQu"

(hashpw Passwd Salt)

pil +

(load "bcrypt.l")

(symbols 'bcrypt)
(hashpw "changeme")
-> "$2a$12$mmxN/qk8yvfjCx./KXtgfuqnUFsXjYv1ZTZmkMtdQ94rTDngiXpsq"

(hashpw "changeme" 14)
-> "$2a$14$gZLc8eII8kCbXgFp2rUcv.PPr/oPioojVy0yP0HMU6z2La.v4pEnG"

(hashpw "changeme" "$2a$14$kjOSmjZeLsBdru7NRPEmQu")
-> "$2a$14$kjOSmjZeLsBdru7NRPEmQuL5eU5YN4Yb48bD1A0Pxzwu/3G/7kwBy"

(compare Passwd Hash)

pil +

(load "bcrypt.l")

(symbols 'bcrypt)
(compare "changeme" "$2a$14$kjOSmjZeLsBdru7NRPEmQuL5eU5YN4Yb48bD1A0Pxzwu/3G/7kwBy")
-> T

(compare "changeme" "$2a$12$2Lgk0P5s5VsxDUM2aa/HFu/6DwHce1lbUwJ1kTm092DwEeDRHHYBy")
-> NIL

(catch 'InternalError (compare "changeme" "I have no idea what i'm doing"))
-> (BcryptError . "Unable to hash password")

(timing Factor)

pil +

(load "bcrypt.l")

(symbols 'bcrypt)
-> (12 . 0)

(timing 15)
-> (15 . 4)